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Bhim Singh

Bhim Singh

Dr. Bhim Singh, a student leader, an engineer, a researcher, a social scientist, an advocate, professor, writer and a politician par excellence has multi-dimensional skills and motivations to bring reform in the society. He has always been striving for bringing grassroot happiness in the rural areas of Bihar.
Born at Bedauli village of Gaya District on November 30, 1962, in the family of Late Bishwambhar Singh and Late Jasomati Devi among seven children, Dr. Bhim Singh has excelled in several walks of life. After completing his Matric from Zila School, Hazaribagh with First class, he joined Patna University for Intermediate of Science from where he also completed his B.Sc (Engineering) & Diploma in Industrial Safety Management successfully with first class. He has also done double Masters in Labour & Social Welfare and Sociology. He did his LL.B. and finally Ph.D. from the same University.
Right from the college life he has actively participated in the students and employees politics of Patna University. He has served the people in several capacities in committees, commissions, senate and political parties.
He has written a good number of articles in different journals, magazines and always remains in news space both in electronic and print media. He is fond of tourism and travelled widely inside and outside the country including Hong Kong, Maccau, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Sri Lanka.
Presently he is a member of Bihar Legislative Council as well as Hon’ble Minister of Rural Works and Panchayati Raj Department, Government of Bihar.
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जन्म : 30 नवंबर 1962, ग्राम-बेदौली, जिला-गया (बिहार)।
शिक्षा : बी.एस-सी., डी.आई. एस.एम., एम.ए. (द्वय), एल-एल.बी., पी-एच.डी.।
कृतित्व : स्कूली छात्र रहते हुए सन् 1974 के आंदोलन में विनम्र भागीदारी। एन.सी.सी. कैडेट के रूप में विद्यालय एवं महाविद्यालय काल में राष्ट्र सेवा तथा राष्‍ट्रीय स्तर पर बिहार का प्रतिनिधित्व। सन् 1978 के आरक्षण समर्थन आंदोलन में सक्रिय भागीदारी। समाजवाद, सामाजिक न्याय एवं सांप्रदायिक सद्भाव आंदोलन में बढ़-चढ़कर भागीदारी। बाबासाहेब डॉ. भीमराव अंबेडकर व डॉ. राममनोहर लोहिया के विचारों तथा जननायक कर्पूरी ठाकुर के कर्मों से प्रभावित। प्रखर छात्र एवं कर्मचारी नेता के रूप में पटना विश्‍वविद्यालय में मशहूर।
राजकीय पॉलिटेक्निक में 12 वर्षों तक अध्यापन। राज्य पिछड़ा वर्ग आयोग तथा द्वितीय क्रीमी लेयर विशेषज्ञ समिति का सदस्य। कर्पूरी फाउंडेशन सहित विभिन्न सरकारी व गैर-सरकारी संगठनों तथा विधान मंडलीय समितियों की सदस्यता व अध्यक्षता। इंडियन सोशियोलॉजिकल सोसाइटी, नई दिल्ली का आजीवन सदस्य। अनेक पत्र-पत्रिकाओं में आलेख प्रकाशित। हांगकांग, मकाऊ, थाईलैंड, मलेशिया, सिंगापुर व श्रीलंका की यात्रा।
प्रकाशन : Industrial Peace & Role of Trade Unions in India.
संप्रति : सदस्य, बिहार विधान परिषद् और मंत्री, ग्रामीण कार्य एवं पंचायती राज विभाग।