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Deendayal Upadhyaya 100 Inspirational Stories   


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Author Smt. Renu Saini
  • ISBN : 9789353227029
  • Language : English
  • Publisher : Prabhat Prakashan
  • Edition : 1
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  • Kindle Store

More Information

  • Smt. Renu Saini
  • 9789353227029
  • English
  • Prabhat Prakashan
  • 1
  • 2019
  • 208
  • Hard Cover


Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya, who treated upliftment of the person at the lowest rung of society as the main goal of nation-building, was an epitome of simplicity, but his divine values made him visionary and extraordinary. Every person considered himself blessed after coming in contact with him. He would never leave anybody disappointed. He would use his sharp and brilliant mind and try to find a solution to any problem brought to him by any person. He was bursting with honesty, conscientiousness, courage and leadership qualities.  
Unity and integrity of the nation always remained paramount to him and he constantly worked hard for the same. The exceptional example of collectivity, organisational skills and nationalism that he portrayed in his short but celebrated life would pave the way for not only the current but future generations also. 
These short stories from the inspirational life of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya, a great son of Mother India, would help others achieve something significant in their lives.



Author’s Note —Pgs. 7

Deena is Born —Pgs. 11

Deena’s Maternal Grandparents —Pgs. 13

Untimely Death of  —Pgs. Parents —Pgs. 15

Fearless Deena —Pgs. 17

Childhood —Pgs. 19

Care for Elders —Pgs. 21

Deena, A Prodigy —Pgs. 23

Deena’s Pagadi —Pgs. 25

Brother’s Untimely Death —Pgs. 26

Deena With A Sharp Mind —Pgs. 28

Deendayal’s Awards —Pgs. 30

His Friend’s Book —Pgs. 32

Foundation of Honesty —Pgs. 34

Intermediate Education —Pgs. 36

Formation of The Zero  —Pgs. Association —Pgs. 38

Top At Intermediate Level  —Pgs. Also —Pgs. 40

Cousin Sister’s Sickness —Pgs. 42

Competition Interview —Pgs. 44

Dedicated To Sangh  —Pgs. Activities —Pgs. 46

Cousin Sister’s Marriage —Pgs. 48

No Work is Small —Pgs. 50

An Idol of Simplicity —Pgs. 52

Ghumma Salon —Pgs. 54

Pure Thinking —Pgs. 56

Taste of Khichdi —Pgs. 58

By The Side of A Farmer —Pgs. 60

Jovial Nature —Pgs. 62

Affable Behaviour —Pgs. 64

Help To The Driver —Pgs. 66

Cold Weather —Pgs. 68

Measurement of Corruption —Pgs. 70

Stamp Upside Down —Pgs. 72

Keep Practising —Pgs. 74

Language of Our Country —Pgs. 76

Respect For Rules & Regulations —Pgs. 78

Humble Nature —Pgs. 80

Quick-Witted Deendayal —Pgs. 82

Believe in Action, Not Fate —Pgs. 84

Pain of Satyagrahis —Pgs. 86

Meeting With Savarkar —Pgs. 88

Using Domestic Products —Pgs. 90

Appraisal Based on Dress —Pgs. 92

Shoe-Cleaning Cloth —Pgs. 94

Cheque Amount —Pgs. 96

Kurta Button —Pgs. 98

Sorenson’s Joke —Pgs. 100

Presence of Balraj Madhok —Pgs. 102

Writing Talent —Pgs. 104

Publication of Books —Pgs. 106

Presence in College Council —Pgs. 108

Ambassador of Culture —Pgs. 110

Honour For Women —Pgs. 112

Defeat in Election —Pgs. 114

Certificates Abandoned —Pgs. 116

Existence of Jan Sangh  —Pgs. Abroad —Pgs. 118

Earning From Art —Pgs. 120

Journey By Second Class —Pgs. 122

Deendayalji’s Forbearance —Pgs. 124

Nation Above All —Pgs. 126

Punditji As A Candidate —Pgs. 128

Jan Sangh Wins —Pgs. 130

Son-In-Law of Sangh —Pgs. 132

Slogging Volunteers —Pgs. 134

Nagar Palika Jeep —Pgs. 136

Philosophy of Politics —Pgs. 138

Concern For The Volunteers —Pgs. 140

Job of A Swayamsevak —Pgs. 142

Where is Sangh, There is  —Pgs. Peace —Pgs. 144

Everybody Has Right To  —Pgs. Vote —Pgs. 146

Sangh And Jan Sangh —Pgs. 148

Country’s Interest is  —Pgs. Uppermost —Pgs. 150

Hari Singh As Point of Focus —Pgs. 152

Punjabi – From Dialect To  —Pgs. Language —Pgs. 154

Printing Machine —Pgs. 156

I Am Still A Pracharak —Pgs. 158

Editor of Panchjanya —Pgs. 160

Inauguration of State Office —Pgs. 162

Indigenous Atom Bomb —Pgs. 164

Extraordinary Brother —Pgs. 166

Against Partition —Pgs. 168

The Foundation Stone —Pgs. 170

President of Jan Sangh —Pgs. 172

Crisis of Religious  —Pgs. Conversions —Pgs. 174

Beauty of Indian Languages —Pgs. 176

Why English Grammar? —Pgs. 178

Fried With Onion —Pgs. 180

National Unity And Integrity —Pgs. 182

Importance of Education —Pgs. 184

Dedicated To The  —Pgs. Country —Pgs. 186

I Have A Big Family —Pgs. 188

Good Work More Important Than Poetry —Pgs. 190

Welcome Signal of Rain —Pgs. 192

What Kind of Faith is This? —Pgs. 194

The Cook, Mangal —Pgs. 196

Friendship With Books —Pgs. 198

Awning of The Tent —Pgs. 199

Inauguration of New Shakha —Pgs. 201

Translation Work —Pgs. 203

Painful End —Pgs. 205

Philosophy of Life —Pgs. 207

The Author

Smt. Renu Saini

Renu Saini
DOB: April 1.
An acclaimed and dynamic author of several books and articles. She has written books on varied topics and renowned personalities. Her books on Dr. Kalam and Mahatma Gandhi are very popular, to name a few.
Many of her books have been honoured by prestigious prizes and awards. She is a regular columnist for various national dailies on personality development and motivational topics. She also conducts shows on All India Radio.
She works at the Ministry of Defence.
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